Saturday 22 October 2011

France day

So Saturday.........Daughter is in France, she left at 4.30 this morn, me and LC, decided to stay awake and go back to bed after she had gone, 2 hrs is all we managed, then we were just awake!!! whats that about!!! So after several failed attempts later I am still up....Absobloominlootley knackered!
Gas ran out this week, just when I had a new Ebook (birthday book) to try!! Sods law eh! Hopefully next week will be time to get me some glass, pay some bills and have a play....Never mind I have ran out of gas in more ways than one lol!
So sat here Saturday night without my little girl, hoping shes having a fabby time, and missing her :-(

Saturday 8 October 2011

saturday......jelly fish day!

So Saturday already... been a hectic week, finally M C is having his training, took long enough, but at least hes enjoying himself! I have been trying new things in glass Cactus, and Fish, then today I have spent all day making jelly fish.....flipping heck they are hard...each bead takes half and hour.....Half an hour lots of clear wrap, and bloody hands that wont work, but it will all be worth it in the end.....I hope, there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to make it exactly as i want it!! But then I am impatient..........he he
As soon as the jelly fish beads are kilned, i will add them to my blog....Must sign off hands feel very sore.... :(

Thursday 8 September 2011

sick :'(

So I am ill in bed. Why does it always happen after I have new lampwork books and could really do with trying some things out........damn this throat, and weakness it sucks!! I did attempt , a few things mermaid puffin, strawberry, general randomness, but feel they didn't go as well as they should have.....I also made ralucca a hollow perfume bottle though, which I quite liked! Right am off to read am exhausted sitting the tv show says.....epic fail!

Sunday 14 August 2011

sunday...the day of rest??

So Sundays here and after yesterday, I am going to have a rest, and maybe turn some more beads into jewellery. I made a few pendants yesterday, and am happy with the results! then the animals I made needed to take a stroll in the spot light

I think that they are rather endearing! I so want to make some more!!!
Sunday is going to be weirdly silent as daughter is out at a friends, sleep over last night....Midnight texts from here to tell me she can't sleep, very kind of her lol x
Oh I also made some totem beads (love these)

These are all one beads! very hard to stop from cracking, but I love them!!!

Friday 12 August 2011

so another day another bead

Today has been quite and eventful day, made some more beads, and finished turning beads into pendants. They are very nice even if I do say so myself! Very summery and fun, I try to get a bit of funky uber cool! Who knows.....I have used this blog on facebook now as my web address so that people can follow the link, to my website..thanks to silly people playing daft games, and reporting my website?? Never mind, never down for long that's me!
So tomorrow I will try and load some pics of the pendants, but at the mo I am writing this from my phone and have learnt to upload images yet!!

Thursday 11 August 2011

iMake » Stitch n’ Bitch

iMake » Stitch n’ Bitch

So the beginning of the blog! 11th August 2011

So I thought to myself what can I do today? I know I will open a blog and have a rant!

So here goes, yesterdays makes went in the kiln, and came out all sparkly and ready to  be created into something! Happy happy me Phew! I am so pleased, I never know if the kiln fairy's will be kind and let it live!!!
I have been creating a lot lately, so have had a day off from the studio, as I have a banging head! (bummer) But have created some felt lovely instead (hobby) and maybe I'll do a spot more on my cross stitch pic (Light houses) I am obsessed...Um but I haven't made a light house bead yet??
Friday my lovely husband got me my nose pierced again, as had it for yrs, then when my daughter was little, she seemed to head butt and grab the stud ARHHH!! So I closed it up, and hey presto 13yrs later I am back to the real me!! (whoop whoop)
Anyway teas ready, and it looks lush :)
I am adding some of my new works for you all to see x

blog soon Clairey x